Is this post made to announce a new collection is coming up? Yes, it totally does.
But before I can show you Sartoria Lo Mele’s latest creations, I’d like to invite you to a our last photo-shoot’s behind the scene.
Where to start. Well, from the location for instance. Sure in a fashion photo-shoot the dresses and the models are essential, but the location plays a fundamental role too. It sets the mood of the whole shoot, it suggests the viewers right away what story you want to tell with your creations. For this one I followed Rici’s suggestion and we set our location in this fairytale forest at the fringe of Stuttgart.
It had everything: beautiful wild trees, a natural leaves carpet in all the shades of red and brown, and a lake too!!
What it also had, though, were those muddy and dismal paths we were forced to use in order to get through the forest. Good thing I have a German boyfriend. He came out with the most brilliant solution, and got us the Mars Rover. That is the most useful small cart I have ever seen, even with off-road wheels!! Long story short, we loaded all the utilities on the Mars Rover and we headed to our designated spot for the shooting.
The boyfriend dragged the overloaded Mars Rover, of course.
The key for a successful photo-shoot is to keep your photographer and your models always in a good shape. How to do that? Load them with sugar of course!! Ok ok, that is not exactly true. But taking care of your crew is fundamental. Especially in a location in the open nature some items are very much required, like blankets and hot beverages. This time we set a real mini-camp in the forest, inclusive with a changing clothes tent (let’s avoid some unwanted peeks, right?) . And yes, we also had a table covered in any type of snacks and junk food, because nothing makes happier than small chocolate reward during the working hours.
Last but not least, be your photographer best assistant. I have had the pleasure to work with Rici for more than a couple of times by now, and what I learned by working with this brilliant artist is that it is always 100% worth it to get along with any of her requests. Hold branches and ladders, cut ropes and collect leaves and flowers, I have done all of that and that was just right, because when your photographer got an idea, than you know it is going to be good. So far the results spoke for themselves.
For instance that is a me hiding & holding the telephone to Ann-Kristin (our gorgeous model), so that Rici could instruct her accross the lake. Yap, she is on the other side of the lake and yap, that took more than half an hour.
I hope this post intruigued you a bit about the new collection and I am looking forward to share it with you soon.
ps: A small doge was also provided, to cheer the girls up during the breaks.
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