About Umbria Sposi

About Umbria Sposi

Here I go with my very first post on this blog. I thought it would be nice to keep you updated with coming up collections, events, news or a simple insight on Sartoria Lo Mele’s behind the scenes. But don’t worry, I won’t be that verbose. I am usually not a big fan of long and wordy posts, so I will keep it short and entertaining (hopefully).
So, what are we talking about today? This post is about Umbria Sposi. A very first post about a very first experience. It fits, doesn’t it?
It is useless to say that it has been such a needed and exciting experience. I really enjoyed every step in organizing our partecipation to this event, even though (as usual) there was a lot to take care of. But that is a lesson I have already learned the moment I started this adventure with Sartoria Lo Mele: a lazy ass doesn’t bring you anywhere.
Anywho, for our first time we decide to take a small stall. I know that usually it is said „go big or go home“, but this time it was definitely wiser to proceed with baby steps. We did do our best to make our small spot stand out though. It has been real fun to design all the merchandising products, such as banners, brochures, posters, give aways… I am not kidding, we put Sartoria Lo Mele’s Logo EVERYWHERE!!
I am particularly proud of our give aways. They are adorable. We spent the last 24h before the begin of the fair assembling more than 700 pieces. They are small pouches with our business card, a pin with the logo and, most importantly, a praline. The last part was a not so subtle way to bribe the public, but you have to agree, it was a very elegant way to do it.
But let’s get to the point: how did this experience go? Really good.
Of course, we had the chance to interact with so many brides and grooms to be, and this was such a different feeling to meet them in persons as to have just a vitual interaction on the internet. I loved how the brides- always a bit shy in the beginning- warmed up and had their eyes glowing in talking about their weddings or their dream dress. I loved it almost as much as the out-of-place groom brightened up in finding the chocolate in the give away.
And I have to admit that my ego was pleasingly fed by the looks of marvel to our dresses and to our art book.
I also enjoyed to interact with our stall’s neighbours. It was very interesting and instructing to talk with other people who are in the same business field and most of the times have definitely more experience. And so much potential for awesome collaborations! Little spoiler alert: I might have found the next location for a spring photoshoot. And I just say: medieval burg.
To wrap it all up, participating to a wedding fair was the best way to officialize our entrance to the wedding business world. I met so many beautiful people and I learned really a lot to be better prepared for our next expo. Such as: having a ladder to build up your stand IS a must. (yes, we didn’t bring any, and we had to borrow one like total noobs)
Looking forward to share more on this blog. A presto!
ps: sorry for the quality of the pictures, next time we will do better

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